​Children aged 3 - 5 years may use their 20 free ECE hours at our kindergarten. For eligible enrolments, we offer an additional 10 hours at no charge to bring this to 30 hours total per week with no fees. Eligibility criteria is listed below.
If you need any assistance to work out your situation, please email tcckindy@gmail.com and we will be happy to help.
Session Fees:
0 – 2 year olds are free of charge if visiting with a caregiver.​​
2 year olds attending Family Session with caregiver only, a fee of $6 is charged per session.
2 year olds attending any session other than the Tuesday Family Session are charged an hourly fee of $6. If enrolled for sessions which do not exceed 6 hours per session, fees will only be charged up to a maximum of 9 hours per week per child. In this case if the child attends for more than 9 hours per week, there are no additional hourly fee charges. See details below.​​
3 years and older are eligible for 20 hours ECE funding per week. We further subsidise additional attendance up to 30 hours free per week if all of the child’s 20 hours ECE have been attested to us (see details below).
3 years and older that use some or all of their 20 ECE hours elsewhere pay a fee of $6 per hour (see details below).
Some families may be eliglible for a WINZ subsidy to pay for fees (ask centre manager for more info).
Enrolment Administration Fee:
A one-off fee of $25.00 is payable for each new enrolment (non-refundable). Only one Enrolment Administration Fee will be charged per family if enrolling more than one child at the same time.
Eligibility to receive up to 30 hours with no fees:
There are no fees charged for children aged 3, 4 or 5 if:​
All of their hours at kindergarten are covered by the 20 Hours ECE funding they give our kindergarten OR
The child is enrolled for between 21 and 30 hours a week AND
their full 20 Hours Funding is given to our kindergarten AND
the child does not attend any session which is more than 6 hours long per day
If your child attends more than 20 hours a week (for no longer than 6 hours a day) and we receive your child’s full 20 Hours funding, your child can attend up to 10 additional hours without being charged a fee for the difference.​​
Child attends kindy for 12 hours a week and gives kindy 12 hours of their 20 Hours ECE funding. No fee is charged.
Child attends kindy for 30 hours a week (6 hours per day, 5 days per week) and gives kindy their full 20 Hours ECE Funding. No fee is charged for the additional 10 hours.
Fees are charged for children aged 3, 4 or 5 if:
All or some of their 20 Hours ECE funding are used at another ECE provider AND as a consequence all or some of their hours at kindergarten are not covered by 20 Hours ECE funding
The child is enrolled for any session which is more than 6 hours long. In this case a $6 hourly fee would be charged for any hours over and above 6 hours per day.
Fees are charged for children aged 2:
A fee for 2 year old children is payable.
If a 2 year old is only attending 1 x Tuesday Family Session each week (attending with parent/caregiver between 8.30am – 11.30am) = $6 p/session
If a 2 year old is enrolled for sessions which do not exceed 6 hours per session, a $6 p/hr fee will only be charged up to a maximum of 9 hours per week per child. In this case if the child attends for more than 9 hours per week, there are no additional hourly fee charges.
If a 2 year old is enrolled for any sessions which are more than 6 hours long, the fees are calculated as per the point above plus an additional fee is applied to all of the hours which exceed 6 per day.