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We pride ourselves on the fact that our team of committed staff are friendly and caring, and always actively engaged in the children’s learning.

Our teachers are all fully qualified and registered, and committed to ongoing professional development.  Staff performance appraisals are conducted regularly in order to ensure the highest standard of teaching and learning, for your child is maintained.  


"Teaching is highly effective in developing children’s confidence and competence as lifelong learners. Teachers encourage children to make sense of the natural, social, physical and material worlds, to use their imagination and be creative. They recognise and value the importance of children's learning through play, and are highly skilled in noticing and responding to their interests and strengths. Teachers are intentional in the way they recognise and respond to all opportunities to engage in, and extend children’s learning. They take time to listen and explore deeper meanings, supporting them to critically think, problem solve and inquire." - Education Review Office Confirmed Education Review Report May 2017

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Karen Bowie

Head Teacher

Bachelor of Teaching and Learning.

Diploma of Teaching ECE

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Kate Coatsworth
Diploma of Teaching

(Early Childhood)

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Emma Corner
Diploma of Teaching
(Early Childhood)
Jessie Green

Hi, my name is Karen and I am the head teacher at our Kindy. I have worked at Te Puru School with the new entrance teaching team as well. In my spare time I enjoy gardening and fishing and DIY. I love my job and our teaching team. The community and the kids that attend are a joy to teach and work with! 

Hi, Im Kate.

I teach at the Kindy on Tuesdays and Thursday. Which means I get to engage with the cute

0-3 tamariki in the morning sessions whilst getting to know their caregivers who stay and play.

I was born and raised in the Thames coast and went to Te Puru school, just up the road from the kindy so this community is very special to me! 

Hi, Im Emma,

I love, love, love working with children! When I am not running around the kindy pretending to be a pirate or a police woman, I enjoy fishing, playing with my two dogs, Marley and Frankie, traveling and spending time with my family.

Hi, my name is Jessie, I’m the kindy administrator and I work on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

During lunchtime I cover the teachers lunch breaks.

I have three kids who have all attended Thames Coast Kindy.

I am a Committee member and Im in charge of applying for community grants that assist in the running of our wonderful kindy.

Ko te ahurei o te tamariki arahia o tatou mahi

Let the uniqueness of the child guide our work

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