All children have the right to high quality early childcare and education which meet their needs, and the needs of their families. Each child’s health and wellbeing are the first and foremost consideration.
Caregivers are the child’s most important role models and
their involvement in the Kindergarten is vital. Caregivers are
paramount in making decisions concerning the children
and their Kindergarten.
The Kindergarten provides an extended family
atmosphere, where children and caregivers feel welcome
and at home. Family involvement and attendance of
younger siblings, including under two’s, are actively encouraged.​​
The Kindergarten is open to children of all cultures and all learning abilities.
The Kindergarten has a commitment to the inclusion of Maori culture and language in its programme.
The dignity, rights, individuality and culture of all children are respected by all. The child’s ideas are considered important, and their creativity is always encouraged. Adults interact with children in positive ways.
All children are encouraged to develop confidence and self-esteem as well as independence and an interest in learning through play. They are challenged to reach their full potential. They are encouraged to actively explore, interpret and express their experiences in a supportive environment.
The Kindergarten provides the structure of routine mat and meal times yet encourages and supports the children outside these times to initiate their own play ideas.
Children are encouraged to see their roles and responsibilities within the group, to resolve conflict in peaceful ways, and to think about other people, their rights and their feelings. They also learn responsibility towards animals and towards their environment, through experiencing contact with the Kindergarten pets.
The Kindergarten employs high quality teachers who fully support the Kindergarten philosophy.
The Kindergarten philosophy is achieved through a partnership between the Kindergarten, the Community and the Ministry of Education under the early childhood provisions in the Education Act. The Kindergarten follows the principles and practices of the New Zealand Early Childhood curriculum - Te Whariki.
The Kindergarten aims to actively support an easy transition to school for each child and their families.
Our Kindergarten aims to be a safe, stimulating, fun, happy place that children want to come to.